Why Adopt a Maine Coon
Why Choose a Maine Coon?
If you have fallen in love with the insanely beautiful Maine Coon and you dream about having one of your own, you are not alone! The Maine Coon cat has become one of the most popular companion breeds of cats on the planet and you will be thrilled to know that there are many good reasons for you or your family to adopt one of these very special animals.
- Maine Coons make fabulous family pets! They are affectionate, friendly, loyal and they love interacting with their owners. They generally get along great with other cats and dogs and have a captivatingly sweet, playful nature that charms the people who meet them.
- Cats have been scientifically proven to be Good for Your Health! Cat companions enrich our lives in so many ways. Research shows there are health benefits to owning a cat such as lower blood pressure and decreased risk of heart attack and stroke. The presence of a furry friend lessens loneliness and depression and gives us a reason to get up in the morning. Cats also provide comfort and help you deal with feelings of sadness and grief. Not only do animals give us unconditional love, but they are psychologically, emotionally and physically beneficial to their human companions.
- Maine Coon cats are an extremely intelligent breed of cats. They can be taught to do all sorts of things, such as walking on a harness, riding in the car or doing tricks. They are naturally curious and often less fearful of new things. If you want a loyal cat, then a Maine Coon is a great choice. They treat everyone in their household as their family. Maine Coon cats are also wonderful with children and other pets.
- They are incredibly beautiful and pure pleasure to watch in action or at rest! (Don’t worry, those Maine Coon coats might look difficult to care for, but they are often easier to groom than other long-haired cats.) They love hunting, chasing
and playing (great mousers)….but also a good “curl and pet” in your lap. - Maine Coons are a strong and healthy breed, social and loving. However, it is very important to find a breeder that excels in caution and care. They must have chosen their bloodlines carefully to avoid any possible health concerns and they should be devoted to lots of TLC and socialization with their kittens. You also want to be sure your breeder is reputable and feeding a high quality of grain-free foods to both cats and kittens.